This is one of the best sampled acoustic drum kits out there...and it's free! When I came across the SM Drums site, I was flabbergasted by how much detail and care went into sampling this amazing drum was already available there for a few other sampling platforms, but not Ableton yet! So of course, I went into action. Read the rest...
The hoop drum (or frame drum) is one of the most culturally widespread forms of percussion. It takes form as the bodhran of Ireland, the daf of Iran, the bendir of Morocco, and the kanjira of India. The one we recorded for this Impulse kit is a traditional Native American one from Taos, New Mexico. Sometimes called a buffalo drum due to the customary use of buffalo hide, the Native American style hoop drum is often made of deer skin, like this one.
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Why Impulse instead of a drum rack? Well, Read the rest...